July & August Wrap Up

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted much these days. I already mentioned about my new hectic schedule before but I'm working on it and hopefully I can start writing for this blog on a regular basis soon :)

July - August 2015 Book Haul
Ever since I started working, my reading and writing schedule are out of the place. Thankfully, I got incentives so I can buy more books :D

The first book that I bought was Orange by Windry Ramadhina. I've read this book somewhere between last year or early this year. Besides Orange, I also bought 2 eco bag that she designed. I spent almost IDR 200K for this package but it's totally worth it because I love the book and I use the bag every day as well. 

After that I bought Spring in London by Ilana Tan and also Melbourne by Winna Effendi. I didn't have Melbourne on me now because I sent it back to the seller since I got a bad copy.

Then I found these 2 different english book seller in one of Goodreads Group that I joined. I bought On the Island, 47 Ronin, The Invention of Wings, A Tale Dark & Grimm, and also The Paladin for almost IDR 200K plus shipping.

Lastly I bought Critical Eleven and Andy Noya: Kisah Hidupku, 2 books that I've been dying to acquired ever since I heard about it.

August Wrap Up
I didn't post my July wrap up because unfortunately I didn't finish any book at that month. I probably only read some manga but I'm not so sure. Last month is definitely a very bad reading month for me. Thank God I started to get accustomed by the new schedule and I can read and finished some books on August. They are:


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